La formazione in tutta Italia
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Who are the RSPP and ASPP professionals ?
The RSPP professional is responsible for the prevention and protection service (defined by Article 32 of Legislative Decree 81/2008). RSPP is the person, who has the skills and professional requisites, designated by the employer, to coordinate the prevention service and protection risk. The RSPP collaborates with the employer, the competent doctor and the workers safety representative in the Risk Assessment Document development. The RSPPs may be internal to the company or external (consultants). The RSPP and ASPP professionals are mandatory in Italy, for all companies that have at least one employee.
The ASPP (Prevention and Protection Service Officer) is coordinated by the RSPP. The task of the ASPP is to prevent and protect workers from occupational hazards.
The State Regions Agreement of 7/7/16 gives precise indications how to structure training courses to become RSPP and ASPP.
The Agreement includes a path composed of several “modules”, called: Module A, B, C.
Candidates wishing to obtain the ASPP Certificate participate to first two modules (A,B). While the candidates who want to obtain the RSPP Certificate, participate to the A, B, C Modules.
Module B includes specialization courses (SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4), in which the safety topics can be explored with reference to particular sectors. These specialization courses can be attended by both RSPP and ASPP.
Both RSPP and ASPP are required to take a course or a series of refresher courses in the 5 years of activity. The RSPP needs 40 hours. The ASPP needs 20 hours. However it is possible to increase the hours of updating by participating in other courses.
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A.N.CO.R.S., associazione rappresentativa a livello nazionale, conta circa 25.000 associati tra liberi professionisti ed aziende operanti in svariati settori che impiegano nel loro specifico settore l’uso di macchine ed attrezzature.
L’Associazione dispone di oltre 180 sedi sull’intero territorio nazionale in Italia e di sette sedi di rappresentanza all’estero.