La formazione in tutta Italia
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The Training Programs include a series of health and safety codes, regulations, procedures and guidelines that allow A.N.CO.R.S. Members to develop training courses and safe environments. This includes but is not limited to: safety awareness, risk assessment, planning concerning environmental conditions, tools and equipment to be used, the associated hazards and their method of control.
Training is one of the most important elements to prevent accidents/incidents and near misses at work. For this purpose, A.N.CO.R.S. Association has developed procedures, guidelines and a series of effective training programs that enable its Members to create appropriate courses and promote occupational safety and health. In addition A.N.CO.R.S. through collaborations with its members has developed OSH international courses.
Training Programs development within the industry and others sector not only improves safety and efficiency in the Workplace, but also ensures operating results. A.N.CO.R.S. works with each Members to build a set of guidelines appropriate for the training courses development in order to safety and security implement, including risk mitigation, ensuring health and safety promotion.
A.N.CO.R.S. Association aims to ensure that all training centre, students, teachers are protected from the risks of accidents/incident and near miss. The Training Programs have been developed to increase the protection of the working training environment and to ensure that education systems used are properly maintained in accordance with relevant international legislation.
The Training Programs are written documents that includes behaviors and actions to be taken by all personnel belonging to the training centre during the course realization and in the emergency condition, to reduce the danger of the situation.
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A.N.CO.R.S., associazione rappresentativa a livello nazionale, conta circa 25.000 associati tra liberi professionisti ed aziende operanti in svariati settori che impiegano nel loro specifico settore l’uso di macchine ed attrezzature.
L’Associazione dispone di oltre 180 sedi sull’intero territorio nazionale in Italia e di sette sedi di rappresentanza all’estero.